As I sat down to write my new post, my mind went blank. 'Must be some kind of real sick joke,' I think to myself. How can I really have nothing to say. I wait a little longer. Slowly, I start to chew on my half-painted fingernails-obviously needing some kind of attention other then an annoying nervous habit. Still nothing. With Taylor swift singing in the background, I think to myselft, 'wow, how amazing would that be? I want to be her!!' Soon after, I catch myself laughing out loud, no, no i don't want to be her ha ha. Got me thinking though:)
Today, a friend and I had quite the conversation, using words to paint beautiful pictures of how are lives COULD be. "If we weren't in nursing school ...," "If I had money to do whatever I wanted...," "After I get my R.N. ...." Harmless to say, but slightly discouraging to think about.
What if??
The imperfect human in each of us makes us ask "why?" If we were perfect we would know why. We would know why life is sometimes hard. We would know why life doesn't always go as planned. But, most importantly, we would know why life must be this way for us to learn and grow. Because what is life without these? It is not life at all as we know it.
SO... Why can't we stand up for right and wrong? Why can't we fight for those things we know to be real and true? Why can't we feel safe in our own homes, grocery stores, or walking down the street? Why can't a child go through life without ridicule? Why can't a politician tell the whole truth? Why can't a promise always be kept? Why can't we get everything we want? Why can't wishes come true? Why can't all daddy's/mommy's never leave? Why can't we all live to be 100 years old? Why can't we all be healthy? Why can't we all live in a free country? Why can't we all choose right rather than wrong? Why can't we all have food to eat, a roof over our heads, and people who love us? Why can't we all have the opportunity for education? Why can't the world be at peace? Why can't everyone be happy? Why can't everyone have the security of a job?
Why can't we smile at a stranger? Why can't we be fearless? Why can't our childhood innonce stay with us?Why can't we just have faith? Why can't we believe that there is someone up there looking after us and carefully watching our every move? Why can't we remember that He hurts when we hurt, rejoices when we rejoice? Why can't we want to feel Him in our hearts? Why can't we count our blessings? Why can't we be thankful the other 363 days of the year(minus thanksgiving and christmas day)? Why can't we trust our family and friends? Why can't we say please and thank you? Why can't we be respectful and polite to everyone and everything?
...If only we didn't have to ask why.
11 years ago